
Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes: Kelly Broadbent

“They told me, “You’re going to look so wonderful once you lose a few kilos” and “Just think of all the gorgeous clothes you’ll be able to wear”. 

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes: Kelly Broadbent

I played the diet game for years – I would try so hard to lose weight, succeeding every time, and then putting it all back on just as quickly.  I struggled with severe mental wellness issues for years and always knew I wasn’t quite up to scratch. 

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes: Kelly Broadbent

On my way back up from hitting rock bottom, I had a moment of clarity: I only get one life, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend it wearing a sackcloth and ashes to apologise for the body I have.

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes: Kelly BroadbentHey guys, I don’t know if you know this, but dieting has been proven not to work.  Most people gain back all the weight they lose, and more.  It’s emotionally damaging, and you could be depriving your body of essential things it needs.  I’m not a nutrition expert, but Dr Linda Bacon is – everyone should read her book Health at Every Size, because it tells you way more about diet myths and health!

As Kelly has said, it’s important to live your life now, not wait until you reach a certain weight or fit into a particular size. You look wonderful now. You can wear gorgeous clothes no matter what size you are. Anyone who says otherwise is just plain mean and obviously has their own issues that they need to deal with!

x Meagan

Kelly wears:
Red lace dress from Pagani
Razzamatazz Curvaceous stockings
Heels from Number One Shoes

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes: Kelly Broadbent


  1. Jo
    December 22, 2017 / 2:55 am

    Love that girl !

  2. Richard Closure
    July 9, 2016 / 4:14 am

    I like this one…

  3. Rick
    August 11, 2015 / 12:14 am

    You are a very beautiful lady!

  4. November 29, 2014 / 3:30 am

    I think you look awesome Kelly. You have a great body and a beautiful face. Most of all you look just sassy.

  5. Alan
    September 2, 2014 / 10:28 pm

    You are gorgeous Kelly, simply gorgeous !

  6. November 27, 2013 / 3:04 pm

    You look fabulous, Kel 🙂 I am loving that dress!

  7. Martha
    November 22, 2013 / 10:31 am

    “I only get one life, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend it wearing a sackcloth and ashes to apologise for the body I have.” Woow, that’s the most beautiful comment I have ever read… Just few minutes ago I was crying to my husband because tomorrow I will be 26 and the only thing I felt was disappointment because I haven’t been able to win the battle against my weight, but your comment made my soul feel somehow in peace. Thank you!

    • thisismeagankerr
      November 22, 2013 / 10:02 pm

      Hey Martha! Don’t battle your body, love and cherish it! No matter what you weigh, you are so much more than that – your husband obviously sees that, so I hope you can too. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and 26 is full of lovely things for you.


    • Serra
      November 27, 2013 / 3:43 pm

      I love this quote too 🙂

  8. Mike
    November 20, 2013 / 1:44 pm

    Also, concerning the concept of diets not working, here is an interesting article from a wonderful nutritionist named Michelle who calls herself “The Fat Nutritionist” (if you haven’t heard of her or read her blog, I would highly encourage it).

  9. Tori
    November 20, 2013 / 11:44 am

    Meagan I love what you’re doing! I love reading these every single day and I’m growing to become more accepting of myself, just like these beautiful women are too!

  10. November 20, 2013 / 10:38 am

    Wow, what a gorgeous silhouette! Whoever told you to lose weight is a goddamned fool.

  11. November 20, 2013 / 8:13 am

    Love the retro hair, you’re gorgeous! Congratulations on a fab photo shoot!

  12. Mike
    November 20, 2013 / 7:55 am

    I think you look fantastic Kelly just the way you are and I hope your journey inspires plus sized women everywhere! (I pinned this on my “Size Positive” Pinterest board in hopes it inspires my followers, as many of my other pins have in the past).

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