What’s your 2021 Word of the Year?

NYE 2020: New Zealand plus size blogger Meagan Kerr wears Isla-Maree Florence Dress in Jungle size XL 24

Happy New Year, my friends! It’s been a while, but I’m back and feeling motivated to write again. I’ve seen some people sharing their “word of the year” for 2021. The idea is that instead of writing New Year’s resolutions, you pick a word to guide you for the year. It can be something you want more of in your life or something you’d like to improve at. Perhaps something you’d like to focus on or something to remind you of a goal.

I’m not really a resolution-y person. However, I kind of like the idea of having a focus to come back to, something that guides you. It’s short, snappy and I can easily stick it on a post-it note I see every day. This is important because I find that it’s not in front of me it’s not always front of mind.

So I’ve been having a think about what my word would be. If you’ve already decided on yours, I’d love you to share it in the comments! I thought about what I wanted to achieve this year, how I wanted to spend my time, what I was passionate about … and then an ad for a diet company came on television.

"You are not alive to just pay bills and lose weight." Caroline Doonan

That ad came on and I realised that I’d seen ads from three other diet companies in under 30 minutes. As well as reminding me that diet culture is bullshit (more on that later), it also made me think of this quote from Caroline Dooner, author of The Fuck It Diet (which I’m reading at the moment and will post a review of when I’m done). In the past, so much of my time has been spent on work and the pursuit of weightloss. Surely there’s got to be more to our existence than that? So that led me to my word. PURPOSE.

This year I want to really clarify my purpose, my why. I want to have that in my mind when I’m working. When I’m writing (yes, I actually plan to write more this year – I know I’ve been a bit quiet the last few years). I want to consider it when I say yes (or no!) to things, when I make plans for how I spend my time or even what I share online. I’d like to speak with intent, remember my why, and hopefully that will help both my creative process and how/what I contribute to the world.

If you’ve got a word for the year, I’d love to know what you’ve chosen!


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  1. Robyn Whitticase
    January 24, 2021 / 5:39 am

    You are an inspiration Meagan. I love you.

    • January 24, 2021 / 12:32 pm

      Aw thanks so much Robyn! xo

  2. January 14, 2021 / 12:40 am

    I don’t have a word of the year yet but will think on it; I ask my students to do so, so only fair that I do. However, I did just finish “The Fuck It Diet” and found it exceptional – I hope you enjoy it / find it as useful as I did. Will await your review! (Mines on Goodreads)

    • January 24, 2021 / 12:29 pm

      Ooh I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it Margo! I thought it would be an easy read, but I find I’m having to take time to digest parts of it (which isn’t a bad thing).

  3. Michelle
    January 12, 2021 / 10:16 pm

    My word is Intentional. To be more mindful and deliberate with what I chose to spend my time on. Sort of like Purpose in a way!

    • January 12, 2021 / 10:19 pm

      I thought about intentional for mine too! Being mindful and deliberate with how you spend your time is a wonderful idea, I’ve started doing that and wow it’s like a breath of relief almost.

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