Inbetweenie Fashion Bloggers

Inbetweenie Bloggers You Should Know About

Inbetweenie sizes are those on the smaller end of plus size (14-18)* – an inbetweenie babe could shop at some plus size stores (these sometimes start from a size 12), and can usually find clothes in straight sized stores too (at least, they can in New Zealand, where most straight size stores carry up to a size 18 – this may be a very different case outside NZ). While inbetweenie women might have a wider selection of places to shop, they are sometimes looked down on by other members of the plus size community, something I’ve never been able to understand. Body acceptance isn’t just about people who are over a size 18, it’s about understanding that all bodies are good bodies, and loving yourself at all sizes and shapes. With that, I wanted to share some of my favourite inbetweenie fashion bloggers – check them out and be inspired! View Post

Fat Girls Shouldn’t Wear Stripes: Jocelyn

I have to be honest and admit that I’m probably one of the few plus-size bloggers who haven’t been fat shamed. I’m sure my day is coming (because lets face it, there are a lot of idiots out there), so I have some swear words and hand gestures prepared. It’s pretty sad that I’m preparing myself for nasty comments, but we all know it happens when you’re fat.

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes: Jocelyn Brewer View Post

Wellington Fashion Week 2014

Last weekend I travelled down to Wellington (our country’s capital) for Wellington Fashion Week. I had an amazing journey and I wanted to share it with you… I took a lot of pictures so get comfortable!

I used to travel to Wellington all the time on business, but it’s been a long time since I had the pleasure of visiting. It’s been five years, and it turns out that my love for this city has not waned one bit.

This is Meagan Kerr on a plane

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WIWT: Plus size fashion for a windy autumn day

Meagan Kerr plus size fashion autumn
I just spent an amazing weekend in Wellington (which is the capital city of New Zealand, for all of my overseas readers who don’t know much about the country I live in), where I got to celebrate plus size fashion, meet some great new people, catch up with old friends, eat delicious food, attend Wellington Fashion Week and photograph some gorgeous women for my Fat Girls Shouldn’t Wear Stripes project. More about that later though – first I wanted to share this outfit with you because I am so in love with this skirt! View Post

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