Seated Sun Salutation

morning sunrise

I first started doing yoga when I was studying and working full time, because I needed an outlet to help my mind and body relax. When a friend took me along to a yoga class, I was really nervous – I was a beginner, I was fat and I’d never done yoga before. What if I couldn’t contort my body into the amazing poses I saw people doing? What if I was clumsy when everyone else was graceful? What if people stared at me? I needn’t have worried – everyone was extremely nice, and when I needed to modify a pose, I was quietly given assistance to do so.

One of the things I love most about yoga is that anyone can do it. I’ve seen toddlers practice yoga and women in their 90s! No matter what your age, gender, background, or ability, yoga can adapt to suit you. My favourite yoga flow is Surya Namaskara, the sun salutation. It’s a great way to start the day, and I always find that it fills me with energy as well as helping to calm my mind. Come 3pm, when my mind starts to wander, I find that it revives my energy levels and helps me to get through the afternoon without a nap.

With the help of Shirley from Yoga With Me, I’ve made a video that you can follow along. This is a seated version, which is great if you’re not able to stand or not comfortable down on the floor – you can even do it at your desk (just make sure you move your chair back a bit). Chairs that are on the firmer side work best – grab a chair from the dining table rather than sitting on the sofa.

I find that once I have my breathing slow and even, the sequence flows through in time with my breathing – one movement is done as I inhale, and I exhale as I flow to the next. I find this practice very soothing, especially when my mind is busy. Once the sequence is finished, I repeat it a few times – you’ll find that the repetition flows easily.

If you tried this sequence, I’d love to know how you found it – please leave me a comment below.

xo Meagan

Thanks to:
Shirley from Yoga With Me for her tips and guidance
Sandey from Om Yoga Studio for letting us use her wonderful space
Title image: “Tuesday Morning Sunrise” by Christopher, used under CC BY-SA 2.0
Music: “Cylinder Six” by Chris Zabriskie, used under CC BY via the Free Music Archive

The Iconic - Yoga


  1. September 20, 2015 / 4:45 pm

    I’m such a big yoga fan but I find it hard to practice out of class! I do have these visions of myself waking up early and doing yoga everyday though lol.

    • September 20, 2015 / 4:49 pm

      I find solo practice so nice and relaxing, it’s been so long since I went to a class that I worry I might get distracted by others!

  2. Margo in Melbourne
    September 20, 2015 / 10:03 am

    I have enjoyed the occasional yoga class in the past, and yes there was whole age and body size spectrum participating in the classes. I am not the most flexible nor lithe creature, yet did not feel out of place or self conscious. Although I may have been the only one to fall asleep during the quiet meditation time at the end of the classes, despite the instruction not to fall asleep. Yoga is something that I keep meaning to get around to but never do. I may just have to tell myself NOT to do yoga…..

    • September 20, 2015 / 2:03 pm

      I have fallen asleep too, and I always think I can get away with it until I give a soft snore haha

  3. September 19, 2015 / 6:36 am

    πŸ’šπŸ™πŸΌπŸ’™ xxx

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