The smart girl’s guide to New Year’s resolutions

Calvin and Hobbes New Year's resolutions by Bill Watterson

I’ve never been a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, as once January has faded they seem to have faded along with it – leaving you with a 12 month gym membership that never gets used again (seriously, gyms must be creaming it off people who never actually go), a juicer that is relegated to the back of the cupboard, a to do list a mile long that never gets a second look or a stash of nictotine patches that you’ll never actually use. Do I sound a bit cynical? Yeah, I guess I am, and that’s because I don’t think that a lot of New Year’s resolutions are well thought out.

When you set a goal for yourself at any other time of the year, you come up with a plan about how you’re going to achieve it, in what timeframe and how you will measure that achievement. So why should a goal at this time of year be any different? Check out some of my tips below for approaching common New Year’s resolutions, get your pen and paper, write your plan down and stick it somewhere that you can see it every day! View Post

2014 New Year’s Resolutions

Okay lovelies, let’s talk new year’s resolutions. For years mine were the same – lose weight, get out of debt, and quit smoking. Sound familiar? Well, I am pretty happy with my body and have realised that my weight does not define me, I don’t have any debt other than my student loan, and I quit smoking on the 1st of January 2011 (so that will be three years this new year’s day!), so it’s time to move on and make some new resolutions for my future.

There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t jump puddles for you

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30 x 30 (Some resolutions for the New Year)

I’ve recently been made aware that 30 isn’t that far away for me – 18 months, in fact.  In light of this, and the impending new year, I thought that this is a great time to sit down and think about what I’d like from my future. Time for some goal setting.

I made a New Years Resolution two years ago to quit smoking, and am proud to say that as of 1st January 2013, I will have been smokefree for TWO WHOLE YEARS! That’s a pretty big deal, and not really something I thought I could achieve. So, now that I know that I have fierce determination and am extremely stubborn, it’s time to set myself some more goals.


I was inspired by Hannah at Dressed In Pixie Dust to create my own version of her 25 by 25 list (obviously doing a 30 by 30 because I have a couple of years on her …). I thought I’d share a few of them with you, both to encourage you to try something similar and because writing this down and sharing it makes me feel accountable! View Post

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