WTF is self love?

What is self love? What is self care?

Self love. It’s one of those terms that gets bandied about and hashtagged on Instagram, but what is it?  Basically it’s about having a regard for your own happiness and well-being. I know that practising self love can be hard, especially when you’re just starting out and trying to make changes to how you think about yourself, or in the way you’ve been taught to regard yourself. It’s not about looking a certain way or conforming to a certain standard. It’s not about being full of yourself or self-absorbed, it’s about getting in touch with yourself, your body and what it needs, your own happiness and taking care of you. View Post

Be your own Valentine

Be your own Valentine

I’m sure it hasn’t escaped your notice that Valentine’s Day is coming up – my inbox has been flooded with emails suggesting chocolates, jewellery, lingerie … you know, the usual. But as I’m sure you’ll remember from previous years, I’m personally not a big fan of Valentine’s Day because I don’t think that you should only celebrate your love for others (whether they’re friends, family or your partner) once a year. I think that you can do that any day. This year, I’ve decided to be my own Valentine. View Post

You would be prettier if you smiled

Meagan Kerr wears Dreammaker Sweater Dress from Harlow

I’m one of those people who has resting bitch face. No, I’m not in a bad mood, I’m not mad at you (trust me, you’d know if I was), I’m not scowling, that’s just my face. The amount of times I’ve heard things like “You would be prettier if you smiled” and “cheer up love, it can’t be that bad” must number in the hundreds (if not thousands) by now. Here’s the thing though – my face is fine just as it is. Some days I don’t feel like plastering on a smile just to make myself more pleasing to someone else, and I shouldn’t have to. Except sometimes I feel like I do… View Post

How to be body confident at the beach

This is Meagan Kerr in plus size swimwear by elomi and Autograph // How to be body confident at the beach

My first ever experience with body shaming was when I was wearing a swimsuit, so it probably comes as no surprise that I spent a lot of time agonising over wearing one as a teenager and in my 20’s. I remember going to the beach in board shorts and a baggy t-shirt, with my one piece underneath, feeling very self-concious – a far cry from the cocky, confident person I was on the swim team a couple of years beforehand. Things have changed a lot over the last few years, and now I feel completely at home in a bikini. I get a lot of people saying that they wish they felt so confident in a swimsuit, so I thought I’d share a few of my tips on how to be body confident at the beach (or where ever it is that you’re swimming!). View Post

This is 100 Days

I don’t know about you, but when the weather turns chilly I find myself becoming so unmotivated. I actually wish that we could hibernate when it gets cold. Unfortunately I am a human and not a squirrel, so I’ve decided that I’ll use my time much more productively. Inspired by the 100 Happy Days challenge, Give It 100, and the 100 Days Project, I’m setting myself a 100 day challenge starting on the 1st of May, and I’d like you to join me.

What will your next 100 days look like? #thisis100days

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