
Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes: Cassie Ace

Body positivity is very important, not just for me but for everyone. We all have the right to feel comfortable, confident and at home in our own skin, people of all sizes shouldn’t have to feel stigmatised just because of the way they look, but we are and this HAS to change.

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes: Cassie Ace

Body positivity bought me a sense of tranquillity and self-acceptance. No longer do I torture and torment myself with dieting, put downs and pressure to get thin. For me, life starts now – not when I get to my “goal weight”.

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes: Cassie Ace

Body positivity has opened so many doors in my life that I had been keeping shut myself, I now know that I am worthy of what is behind those doors and my body size has no bearing on this. Body positivity and self-acceptance is something I truly hope everyone can experience, no matter what size they are.

x Cassie

Cassie wears:
Sheer longline top from Glassons
Mini skirt from Cotton OnScarf from Cotton On
Shoes from Wild Pair

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes: Cassie Ace

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